The latest essay by Ajahn Nyanamoli, titled “Peripheral Awareness”, that addresses the proper way of practicing mindfulness and awareness that can lead to mind established in knowledge and vision.
NEW ESSAY – The Necessity of Celibacy
The latest essay by Ajahn Nyanamoli on the fundamental requirement of sense restraint and celibacy, if one is to practice towards complete liberation.
NEW ARTICLE – Intentions Behind One’s Actions
The latest essay by Nyanamoli Thero on the nature of correct meditation practice and how to discern wholesome as wholesome – “Intentions behind one’s actions.”
NEW ARTICLE – Breathing Towards Death
The latest essay by Ajahn Nyanamoli titled “Breathing Towards Death” deals with how to use mindfulness of breathing to gradually allow the anxious truth of one’s own mortality to arise, and how to develop wisdom on account of it.
Beyond Good and Evil
A new mp3 recording of Ajahn Nyanamoli’s talk on how to go beyond wholesome and unwholesome, and other dualities that share the same principle of simultaneous presence (paticcasamuppada). The talk also addresses the mistake of approaching meditation through a technique and discusses how can one free oneself from the First Fetter of holding onto Virtue and Duty (silabbataparamasa).